
By: Chards Bonzon, 07/05/2023 A Commendation from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) was given to our very own AMA Educaton ...

Special Envoy Amable Aguiluz V receives Commendation from the Department of Foreign Affairs

By: Chards Bonzon, 07/05/2023

Special Envoy Amable Aguiluz V receives Commendation from the Department of Foreign Affairs


A Commendation from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) was given to our very own AMA Educaton System Chairman and founder - Special Envoy Dr. Amable R.  Aguiluz V last June 23, 2022 for providing assistance to the Philippine government's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic by facilitating the supply of vaccines, medical supplies and equipment, and other assistance at no cost to the Philippine government thereby significantly contributing in the government's efforts in safeguarding the lives of the Filipino people. 

The Plaque of Commendation was signed by DFA Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr., and DFA Undersecretary Lourdes Yparraguirre.

In accepting the commendation, Special Envoy Aguiluz expressed gratitude to the State of Qatar's Fund for Development (QFFD) in providing  financial support in the amount of $450,000 to purchase Sinovac anti-Covid-19 vaccines. The vaccines were received last January 2022 by IATF chief implementer Secretary Carlito Galvez, Special Envoy Aguiluz and officials from the Office of the President,  DFA and DOH.

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