
By: Chards Bonzon, 02/10/2023 From left Acting Vice President- Academic Director Teaching & Learning- Dr. Jun Xu, Director Governance, R...

Building Global Careers: AMAES and KOI Join Forces for a World-Class Education Experience

By: Chards Bonzon, 02/10/2023

From left Acting Vice President- Academic Director Teaching & Learning- Dr. Jun Xu, Director Governance, Risk & Compliance- Zoe Williams, Chief Executive Officer & Dean/President - Dr Doug R Hinchliffe, Council of Directors - Dr BJ Spencer, AMA Education System Chairman, Dr. Amable R. Aguiluz V, Director Educational Development - Dr Graeme Salter, Vice President - Partnership & Marketing - Prof Gensheng Shen

AMA Education System (AMAES) and King's Own Institute (KOI) recently have formed a dynamic partnership that will provide students and alumni of AMAES with a clear pathway to study, work, and reside in Australia. This exciting collaboration will empower AMAES students and alumni to shape their careers and achieve success in the global industry.

Kingʼs Own Institute is a leading private institution of higher education based in Sydney, Australia. Koi offers the most relevant courses that lead to fulfilling careers. The AMAzing team at KOI are proven, experienced practitioners with a proud and established record of achievement in education and business.  The KOI student experience is truly world-class, centered on providing value and the best higher education available. Powered by a passion for innovation, excellence and hands-on, transformative experience, KOI’s graduate outcomes mirror those of the world’s top universities. 

Australia is a premier destination for higher education, renowned for its quality education, career prospects, and overall student satisfaction. With a strong healthcare system, stable government, and ample opportunities for internships and work, Australia is the ideal place to further your education and career. KOI offers a range of undergraduate and post-graduate programs in Information Technology, Accounting, Management, Business (Accounting), and Business (Management and Finance), all designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

AMA students and alumni can take  advantage of AMAES-KOI's innovative 2+2 Pathway Program, which provides students who have studied at AMAES for at least two years with the opportunity to become residents of Australia after just two years of study. This program offers students the best education, higher salaries, a better quality of life, and a secure future for themselves and their families.

For more information visit www.amaes.edu.ph/koi

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