
By: Chards Bonzon, 05/05/2023 Nora Roberts once said, "If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don...

Dante A. Calvan Jr.: A Journey of Perseverance and Dreams Fulfilled

By: Chards Bonzon, 05/05/2023

Dante Calvan - AMAES KOI

Nora Roberts once said, "If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place." These words have become the cornerstone of Dante A. Calvan Jr.'s life, a tenacious individual who pursued his dream of studying abroad and creating a positive impact on his life and those of his loved ones.

Dante hails from the modest town of Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Growing up as the seventh child in a large, loving family, Dante learned the significance of hard work and persistence early on. After earning a 2-year National Certificate IV in Computer Programming, he began working for the Municipality of  Pagudpud. Demonstrating dedication and competence, Dante swiftly climbed the ranks and was reassigned to the Municipal Budget office, sparking his ambition to obtain a degree in Financial Management.

Balancing work and education, Dante maintained focus on his aspiration to study abroad. His research led him to the King's Own Institute (KOI) in Sydney, Australia, offering the Master of Professional Accounting program he sought. Bolstered by his family's encouragement and financial backing from his maternal aunt, Dante applied and was accepted into the program.

This dream became a reality through a collaboration between AMA Education System (AMAES) and KOI, providing students and alumni with pathways to study, work, and reside in Australia. This partnership enabled Dante to chase his ambitions and embark on a journey towards an improved future.

Dante Calvan - AMAES KOI 
Dante Calvan - AMAES KOI

Although leaving his family and life in the Philippines was a difficult choice, Dante remained resolute and committed to making the most of this opportunity. Amidst various challenges, he stayed focused and motivated, aware that his efforts and sacrifices would ultimately be rewarded. Dante's remarkable journey epitomizes the power of hard work, determination, and dreams. Through unwavering dedication and resilience, he achieved his goal of studying abroad and transforming his life and the lives of those dear to him. His story underscores the importance of education and passionate pursuit of one's objectives.

As the world confronts unparalleled difficulties, Dante's story inspires us to persevere and relentlessly pursue our dreams. His success extends beyond personal achievement, becoming a beacon of hope and inspiration for his community and all who know him. His journey highlights the invaluable role of education and the opportunities it affords to those who commit to their aspirations.

The AMAES-KOI partnership program empowers individuals like Dante to chase their academic and professional dreams on a global scale. Offering participants a route to study, work, and reside in Australia, the program grants access to world-class education and immersion in a diverse, dynamic city.

Dante's journey exemplifies the program's capacity to change lives. Providing students with essential resources for success, including top-notch education, networking opportunities, and hands-on training, participants acquire the skills and experiences necessary to excel in a globalized world and contribute to their communities.

Dante's story serves as a reminder that through hard work, determination, and a supportive network, we can all realize our dreams. The AMAES-KOI partnership program is just one example of the many opportunities available to those who commit to their goals. Dante's journey inspires us all to never abandon our dreams and to continually strive for a brighter future.

For more information visit https://www.amaes.edu.ph/koi/

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